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[spf-discuss] 2006 election campaign

2006-01-15 19:32:00
I posted this earlier, but it appears to have not gone through (or perhaps it got moderated)...

If elected, I will:
1) Work to get Wayne's SPF spec published as a full blown RFC

2) Once #1 is complete work towards producing the next SPF spec v2 (or v3 if 2 is considered "taken" by the marid fallout "senderid")

3) I will proceed with pushing the IAB appeal if it is deemed probable not to interfere with #1 and #2.

I will accept "embracing and extending" as long as it does *not* cause the standard to become proprietary.

If I find I am unable to perform my duties as a council member I will step down so someone can take my place.

If my integrity is in question I will justify publicly what I can, and to the council anything I cannot.

I will be acting on behalf of someone who admins mail servers, but speaking for myself only (not from a corporate entity).

Terry Fielder

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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