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[spf-discuss] Re: Bounce-Spam and SPF-Ignorant ISPs - it is time to retaliate?

2006-02-06 10:41:29
Constantine A. Murenin wrote:

I've looked at 
(referred as "what to report and what not to report to
SpamCop"), and it does not seem to address spam bounces... 

On the welcome page <http://www.spamcop.net> you'll find

| Originally, SpamCop made attempts to forgive misdirected
| bounce messages - to reject them as evidence of spam.
| However, there are two factors conspiring to force us to
| rescind this policy.  First of course, is that these
| misdirected messages *are* spam as we define it (Unsolicited
| Bulk Mail). They are objectionable to recipients and can even
| cause denial of service to innocent third parties.  Users of
| our blocking service want us to stop them. 

Where do I report these bounces?


Justice must happen!

...but better stop smoking that stuff, it "is not particularly
too good" ;-)
              Number nine, number nine, number nine

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