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Re: [spf-discuss] How does SPF prevent forgery?

2006-02-16 15:41:39
The holder of domain.tld must publish an SPF TXT record in DNS for their zone file for domain.tld to specify which machines are allowed to send SMTP messages. The receiving SMTP machine must check where the incoming connection is and compare it to the list the domain holder published.

Thus, if domain.tld has specified that only two machines and can send mail via SMTP on its behalf, if the main is coming from, the mail may or may not be authorized. If the publisher specifies an SPF -A option in their DNS TXT record, they mean, absolutely do not accept mail from other than the two machines authorized because it is not a machine the publisher expects to send mail on behalf of domain.tld.

That is the simplest look at an operating SPF scenario I can come up with.

If you are just exploring SPF, you might want to be aware of some issues with things like forwarder services and such, but if it works for your environment, SPF is very useful to prevent domain forgery in email where the receiving SMTP server supports it.



At 03:25 PM 2/16/2006, you wrote:

If SPF only checks the envelope from address, how does it prevent

i.e. how does it prevent a user getting an email From: 

  Wally Winchester

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