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Re: [spf-discuss] Are SPF checks heavier for larger range domains

2006-05-20 17:13:14
On 5/20/2006 2:58 PM, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Sat, 20 May 2006, Ramprasad wrote:

Since hotmail.com has got a *large* spf range , will it make my
spamchecks any slower ??

Hotmail SPF consists entirely of ip4 mechanisms (glued together with
include).  It is one of the faster records to evaluate.

What makes SPF slower is lots of DNS lookups, like MX mechanisms.

Further, as long as you're running a caching name server in front of your SpamAssassin installation (like you really should be), you'll only incur the lookups once an hour (Hotmail's SPF record's TTL). Any messages that go through in the same hour will basically get an SPF check for free.


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