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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: RFC 4408 erratas

2006-05-26 09:49:41
On 26/05/06, Dick St.Peters <stpeters(_at_)netheaven(_dot_)com> wrote:
Constantine A. Murenin writes:
> On 25/05/06, wayne <wayne(_at_)schlitt(_dot_)net> wrote:
> > The RFC editor publishes an errata list at
> Let me parse the sentence:
> "The RFC editor publishes a list of errors list at"

Thst should be "The RFC editor publishes a list-of-errors list at" and
is correct usage, albeit redundant.

Errata is plural in Latin but it's singular in English according to my
Meriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionay, Tenth Edition (1993), which
defines it as "a list of corrigenda" or "a page bearing such a list".

If so, then mail the RFC-Editor, and tell them that they're wrong in
(rightly) thinking that 'errara' is plural:

In general, we cannot guarantee the correctness of these errata; the reader 
must make his/her own judgment.

And don't forget to contact Microsoft Office spelling team and
complain on the same matter.



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