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Re: [spf-discuss] Finally had a message rejected due to forwarding

2006-07-01 13:20:08
On Saturday 01 July 2006 15:43, Scott Kitterman wrote:
I'm two years into having a '-all' SPF record and today I finally had my
first message rejection due to forwarding.

One of my consulting customers just got spun off and bought by a different
company and so their e-mail is being forwarded from oldcompany to
newcompany. Newcompany rejects based on SPF.  I had a bounce in my inbox
the next time I checked for mail.  The bounce had the correct e-mail
address in it.  I re-sent the message.  It took about 30 seconds.

I still don't understand what all the fuss is about.

Oh, and for the record, I did write postmaster(_at_)newcompany and point out 
they were getting a bunch of mail forwarded from oldcompany and checking SPF 
on that mail might not give them the desired results.  

Does anybody know if MDaemon supports whitelisting certain clients from SPF 

Scott K

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