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[spf-discuss] TENBOX -- Writing glue code for Trusted E-mail Network BOundary eXpansion

2006-08-19 11:57:39
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You can now stop staring at the weird acronym I created.  New concepts need 
snappy names in order to be successful in word-of-mouth propagation.  It 
worked for XML, LAMP, AJAX, and SPF, so there you are.  Alternate sugges- 
tions for a term are welcome, but for now, I'll use that.

TENBOX isn't an entirely new concept.  Essentially it means a coherent 
drive to implementing "forwarder white-listing" on various MTAs, MUAs, and 
e-mail services (Pobox, Gmail, etc.).  (Expanding your trusted e-mail 
network's boundary to include your forwarders, which you do trust as an 
e-mail receiver, is what "forwarder white-listing" is all about.)

The current "SRS for postfix" thread once again brought up the problem that 
the real, elegant solution to SPF's so-called "forwarding problem", i.e. 
forwarder white-listing, is difficult to implement.  This thread was the 
proverbial last straw that broke the camel's back and seriously got me 
thinking about why it is so difficult to implement.  Perhaps difficult on 
a similar scale as SPF itself.

The reason is that it's not a single concept that could be implemented in a 
Perl module on CPAN or a "libtenbox" C library.  Rather the "forwarder 
white-listing" concept spans a gap between various proximate concepts.  
IOW, _glue_code_ needs to be written.  And since there are _a_lot_ of 
MTAs, MUAs, and e-mail services, _a_lot_of_ glue code needs to be written.  
As a result, it won't happen all by itself.  If we wait for that to 
happen, we'll still be waiting in five years.

(Of course, that's not to say that path-based e-mail authentication such as 
SPFv1 is the ultimate solution to sender address forgery and spoofing.  
Other authentication methods such as PGP, S/MIME, or DKIM may well be more 
powerful and suiting to the problem.  But as long as we support path-based 
authentication, we need to help the world implementing it _properly_.)

Of course the amount of work necessary will not decrease directly just 
because we give the complex concept a fancy name.  But it might make it 
easier to convey the concept to the world and raise awareness among 
potential glue code writers for all the e-mail software and systems out 
there.  And finally, a coordinated effort avoids duplicated work.

So this is what TENBOX should, IMO, cover:

  * A user must be able to define and store his trusted e-mail network
    associations (specifically including his trusted forwarders), and
    communicate them to his receiving agents.  Ideally, the user would
    configure these associations in his MUA, be it Outlook, Mutt, or the
    Gmail web-mail interface.  A specialized editor could be substituted as
    long as it is able to interface with the user's MUA.  The information
    would then be communicated in a _standardized_ way to the receiving
    agents.  This might encompass simply sending an e-mail message
    including the information in a standardized format (perhaps a RFC2822-
    header-style, YAML, INI, or even XML attachment).

  * The receiver's agents must receive and store those associations.  Of
    course, authenticity needs to be established, either implicitly (when
    there's a trusted channel between the user's MUA and the receiving
    system, e.g. SMTP AUTH or on a web-mail system), or explicitly using a
    cryptographic signature (PGP or S/MIME).  Then the receiving agents
    must act on that information, i.e. exempt trusted forwarders and other
    members of the user's trusted e-mail network from SPF checks and
    possibly _other_ rigorous abuse checks.

  * Not only the transmission protocol of the trusted e-mail network
    associations needs to be standardized, but also their semantics.  I'd
    really like to avoid specifying a whole new policy language at this
    time, but at least the _fundamental_ semantics _have_ to be
    standardized.  If we can make it extensible for future purposes, all
    the better.

In a way, this concept is exactly reciprocal to the trusted-forwarder.org 
service[1], which is (and should be) rarely used (and for a reason -- 
trust is mostly individual and can hardly be centralized!).

All this stuff would have to be specified and then implemented for as many 
MTAs, MUAs, and e-mail services as possible.  Or we could forget about it 
and let the "forwarding problem" go on as a de-facto argument against 
SPFv1's path-based authentication concept.

Comments strongly anticipated.

 1. http://trusted-forwarder.org

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)


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