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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Apache SpamAssassin SPF checks

2006-11-11 13:32:03
On Saturday 11 November 2006 14:40, John A. Martin wrote:

        2.  When PREPEND is used in Recipient Restrictions the
            pertinent PREPEND will be applied to the same message once
            for each recipient, ie. multiple identical PREPENDs appear
            for multiple recipients including "blind" recipients.

I had a similar problem with the message quota limit function I implemented in 
my MSA oriented derivative of tumgreyspf.  Until I took this into account I 
was counting addressess and not messages (didn't work so well).

What I did was save the queue_id and only run the quota routine once per 
queue_id.  When I do the Prepend patch for tumgreyspf, I'll probably do 
something like that to solve this problem.

Scott K

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