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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Anyone in contact with microsoft?

2006-11-12 09:58:21
On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 05:29:09PM +0100, Frank Ellermann wrote:

I say: Marketing.microsoft.com is not part of DOMAIN Microsoft.com
but it may be part of ZONE Microsoft.com

It's obviously a subdomain of microsoft.com.  With a similar q=ns as
above I get the expected result:

My point is: they try to explain the difference between ZONE and DOMAIN
and IMHO they got it backwards.  Domains belong to zones, not vice versa.

"the Domain Microsoft.com may contain all of the data for Microsoft.com,
Marketing.microsoft.com and Development.microsoft.com. "

This means "the Domain Microsoft.com" is considered to be a container.
That isn't true.

The ZONE Microsoft.com is a container, containing DOMAIN Microsoft.com
and possibly domain Marketing.microsoft.com

This kind of confusion causes people to think they have published
SPF for all of their hostnames (I'm avoiding domain here) because
when they're told to publish SPF for a domain, they assume a domain
is a collection of hostnames all ending in ${zone_they_got_from_ISP}

Microsoft is, IMHO, feeding this misconception.


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