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[spf-discuss] Anyone in contact with microsoft?

2006-11-12 05:25:44

I wanted to report a mistake to microsoft.

First try: "contact us".  This leads to a page where I can "Send us your
comments and questions about this Web site".  Great!  Unfortunately when
you click this, you are directed to a completely irrelevant support page
for microsoft products.

OK, so this long way around is not going to work.  Let's try the standard
email account "webmaster(_at_)microsoft(_dot_)com" (RFC2142 and RFC2068).

<webmaster(_at_)microsoft(_dot_)com>: host mailc.microsoft.com[] 
said: 550
    5.1.1 User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Why all this trouble in the first place?  Well...

read and weep: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/164054

For example:

"A zone is simply a portion of a domain"

Huh ?!?!?  An ocean is simply part of an H2O molecule... yeah right.

"However, the zone Microsoft.com contains only information for
 Microsoft.com and references to the authoritative name servers
 for the subdomains.

Oh yeah?  Bad example:

What about DOMAIN www.microsoft.com ?
What about DOMAIN ftp.microsoft.com ?
What about DOMAIN smtp.microsoft.com ?

Do they or do they not belong to ZONE microsoft.com ?

"Understanding the difference between a zone and a domain is sometimes 

I wonder why this is.  Perhaps a large company somewhere in Redmond is causing
the confusion ?

The word "domain" can mean many things.  But on this page, it clearly
refers to a complete domain name (such as "www.microsoft.com.") and not
to, for instance, a collection of SMB hosts.


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