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Re: [spf-discuss] RFC 4408 Bug - Makes no sense to require Mail From check if HELO check FAILs

2007-02-05 14:43:10
On Mon, 5 Feb 2007 16:29:30 -0500 (21:29 UTC) Scott Kitterman wrote:

OK.  I can see that perhaps being an appropriate receiver policy.

If the receiver policy is to reject on HELO FAIL, then doing the MAIL FROM 
check makes no sense, but RFC 4408 requires it.  It should only be required 
if it might affect a decision.

Most white listing deals first with a detailed source (local part and
domain).  If the receiver's environment supports white listing, then
the MAIL FROM check would be important and necessary.  And I don't 
know if it's worth the effort to have additional code that knows the
detailed white listing does not happen to appear for a given domain
and server combo that fails HELO.

So I'd suggest that the MAIL FROM check would be normal and would
occur in most (all?) cases where there is an HELO failure.


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