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Re: [spf-discuss] out of the starting gate, SPF is broke

2007-02-26 11:47:45
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 Dan_Mitton(_at_)Notes(_dot_)YMP(_dot_)GOV wrote:

How are you generating your reputation numbers?

pygossip - implements the GOSSiP protocol.  Tracks the last N (currently 1024)
messages from an ID (domain-spec:qualifier) as to ham or spam (or NULL) status.
Here is the reputation score code:

  def reputation(self):
    """Compute reputation score."""
    n = self.bcnt
    if not n: return 0.0
    #N = float(self.maxobs)
    N = float(n)
    k = 2
    ham = self.hcnt
    spam = n - ham - self.ncnt
    log.info("ham: %d, spam: %d"%(ham, spam))
    ph =  ham / N
    ps = spam / N

    log.debug("P(h) = %f   P(s) = %f"%(ph, ps))
    num =     math.exp(k * (ph - ps))
    denom = 1 + math.exp(k * (ph - ps))

    return 200 * ((num / denom) - 0.5)

When gossiping with peers about the reputation of an ID, peer scores
are aggregated as follows:

def aggregate(agg,offset=0):
  """Aggregate reputation and confidence scores.
  >>> [round(x,1) for x in aggregate([(-76.159416,0.219053),(0,0)])]
  [-76.1, 0.2]
  n = len(agg)
  if n < 1: return (0.0,0,0)
  if n == 1: return agg[0]
  wavg,wcfi,wvar = weighted_stats(agg,offset)
  if wvar <= 0: # only one non-zero cfi
    return weighted_average([(rep,cfi) for rep,cfi in agg if cfi > 0])
  stddev = math.sqrt(wvar * n / (n - 1))        # sample standard deviation
  # remove outliers (more than 3 * stddev from mean) and return means
  return weighted_average([(rep,cfi) for rep,cfi in agg
        if abs(rep - wavg) <= 3*stddev],offset)

              Stuart D. Gathman <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com>
    Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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