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[spf-discuss] spfcheck segmentation fault

2007-11-07 13:09:22
I'm new to the list so forgive me if this topic has
already been discussed. I've searched this list's
archive but found nothing, which is suspicious for
a problem that's so well-known.

The problem is running spfquery on an AMD X86_64
processor. When I download libspf2-1.2.5 and compile
it, I see this:

#spfquery -ip -sender wadak(_at_)pacifier(_dot_)com
Segmentation fault

I don't see this on Intel and 32-bit AMD processors.

A Google search shows numerous complaints about this
back in 2006 and I see patches for the problem. I'm
wondering why the problem hasn't been fixed in the
current software -a year later.

Ed Sawicki

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