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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: advice wrong, or is it?

2007-12-21 14:51:43

On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 16:33 -0500, Bill Adragna wrote:
what will prevent the spammers from getting a valid SPF record for
themselves, thus blowing up the whole point of the SPF record? 

Absolutely nothing. See the 'rapidly adopted SPF' link from the third item
under 'Problems with SPF' in http://david.woodhou.se/why-not-spf.html 
Admittedly, it's rather old information now, so I don't know if the
statistics are still similar -- but certainly the principle hasn't

I don't really expect to persuade Alex. He usually just degenerates into
insults without really managing to come up with any coherent technical
response. But if just one or two _normal_ people out there take notice
and start to think for themselves, that'll be worth it.

I don't even really need to _persuade_ anyone. Just making them actually
apply a modicum of common sense for themselves would usually suffice.
Just take a look at RFC2821 and the way that machines out there
_actually_ behave, and think about it for a while. And you come to the
same conclusion I did. Most people do, anyway.

SPF is fundamentally incompatible with SMTP email as people have been
using it for decades. Use it at your own risk.


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