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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF adoption - HELO vs FROM

2008-01-05 18:26:43
On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 12:59:09AM +0000, Mark wrote:

Nor did I say that you can never reject on HELO. :) All I said is,
that it doesn't have to correspond to the connecting IP address.

I'm sure you ment well, but what you said was:

The 'problem' with RFC-compliant HELO data is, of course, that,
officially, there's no other requirement than that HELO be a FQDN or
an address literal.

which is simply not true, not even close. You may understand the
fine points, but others are reading this list too.  And they interpret
"a FQDN" as "a (semi-random) FQDN", not as "the FQDN of the host".


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