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Re: [spf-help][spf-discuss] Support: Anyone willing to take over?

2008-01-29 06:49:48
On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 01:01:11PM +0000, Rob MacGregor wrote:

I'm glad there were a couple of responses.  Let's hope support can

I'm a realist (optimists would say I'm a pessimist) thus I would like
to stress once more the importance of checking in regularly. This won't
take much of your time, and ensures that those seeking help do not need
to wait more than a couple of days maximum.  Anymore would, IMHO, be too

Did you get enough help?  If not I'm still happy to help.

I've just looked at the queue. There are 40 new tickets waiting to
be answered. One is two weeks old, the others are between 13 days
and 95 minutes old.

At a quick glance I notice a couple of duplicates and no spam.

Is this good enough? Personally I say no. One week is already too much,
let alone two weeks.

But of course that doesn't mean the effort of those who do help out
is not appreciated.

I'm just a user on that RT system so I cannot add you to its userbase.

thanks for asking,

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