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[spf-discuss] Other lists and Authentication-Results (was: support problem)

2008-01-30 09:50:56
Scott Kitterman wrote (six weeks ago on the SPF Council list):

I did this kind of arithmetic before moving a "4 out of 5"
erratum to confirmed. And I'm still waiting for the critical
3rd vote on two other issues, Authentication-Results and the
"IETF other lists".

I'm starting to see the wisdom of IETF other.  Can we register
ourselves as IETF other right now and then point the auth 
results people at spf-discuss as another place they need to

Hi, sorry for the later answer, I was busy with other things
(12-19), and later I somehow managed to lose the "unanswered"

I don't think that adding SPF discuss to "other lists" or not
interests Murray, and if he gets around to update his draft
I think that the "rfc822" list might be better to discuss it.

It's certainly for *other* drafts remotely related to SPF, as
far as they are discussed here.

I take your opinion as undisputed "third vote" (IIRC you are
also one of the moderators here).  Nobody here had questions
about the answers I got on the IPR WG list from two former
IETF Chairs among others => good enough.


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