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[spf-discuss] TENBOX/E (now SWK-SPF) rough draft

2008-01-30 07:59:38
I've gotten around to creating an xml2rfc version of my "TENBOX/E"
proposal.  Although the word TENBOX appears nowhere in it, since it has
diffused a bit from the original TENBOX goals.

There are probably still proofing errors, and there's one "In this
author's opinion..." paragraph that should probably be rephrased, but I
thought I should let other eyeballs have a look at it at this point.

Aside from being more fleshed out, one change is that I've removed the
whitelist probing feature I included in my last TENBOX/E proposal.  While
it would be useful, I realized that the "whitelisting" needed by a
forwarder is different from that wanted by a mailing list, so rather than
add complexity to deal with the difference, I decided to leave that for a
further, layered protocol.

So, version 0.0 of the "Substitute Whitelist Key validated by SPF" draft
is available at:


The goal is to reach version 1.0, which will then be used to register
"SWK-SPF" as a dummy SASL mechanism.  Then we can finally start coding.

---- Michael Deutschmann <michael(_at_)talamasca(_dot_)ocis(_dot_)net>

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