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Re: [spf-discuss] TENBOX/E (now SWK-SPF) rough draft

2008-01-31 08:56:13
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, Michael Deutschmann wrote:

The most courteous thing a forwarder could afford to do in a
backscatter-intolerant and SPF-using world, is to apply SRS when forwarding
mail that came in with an SPF-pass, and to rewrite the return-path of all
other mail to <>, indicating that it is non-bouncable since it might be

I hate to tell you this, but most MTAs are run by people who have never
heard of rfc2821, and merrily reply to a MAIL FROM of <>, "Damn
the mail loops and full speed ahead!"

That doesn't mean it isn't courteous to mark them anyway.  But these
same MTAs will submit you to a blacklist if you send them too many DSNs,
(even for mail from their own IPs!)

              Stuart D. Gathman <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com>
    Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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