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Re: [spf-discuss] Utility to expand SPF record into list of IPs?

2008-03-06 08:37:57
On 06/03/2008, Jason(_dot_)Price(_at_)thomson(_dot_)com 
<Jason(_dot_)Price(_at_)thomson(_dot_)com> wrote:

I apologize if this is out of scope for this list - I wasn't sure, so figured 
I'd give it a shot...  :)

Anyway, I'm looking for a utility that would allow me to query the SPF record 
for a given domain, and then expand that SPF record into a list of IPs - and 
I need to be able to do this programatically.  Kind of a strange request, I 
know, but I need this ability for a kludge resolution of an issue that is 
outside the interests of this list.

Unfortunately that's only possible for a partial set of SPF mechanisms
- you couldn't translate (eg) ptr and exists mechanisms into lists of


Peter Bowyer
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