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[spf-discuss] pypolicyd-spf 0.7 released

2008-06-23 06:27:04
The new version can be found at:


Significant changes include:

  + Reject option for Mail From not pass or none (parallel HELO option)
  + Reject on Softfail for HELO and Mail From
  + Add receiver policy options per sender domain to reject non-SPF Pass mail
    for specific domains
  ! Move commented config file to a new file and use/install an uncommented
    minimal config file to reduce future churn in the operational config file
  * Fix prepend only (no action) options to work
  * Clarify interaction between several options in documentation.

I've already uploaded the package to Debian Unstable and it will shortly be in 
Ubuntu as well.

In addition to the changes above, I've now got a working test suite that makes 
it much easier to catch regressions, so this release is improved from a QA 
perspective too.

Scott K

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