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[spf-discuss] Re: Sender-id records

2008-09-07 08:07:59
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

I am considering checking for spf2.0/mfrom records
when there is no v=spf1 record.  Does anyone have
stats on whether any of these actually exist?

Please inform us if you figure this out.  I consider
to deprecate this zoo:  Either v=spf1 or spf2.0/pra,
aything else only muddies the water.  Four records
(TXT+SPF, SPF+PRA) are bad enough for folks wishing
to test PRA.  

IMHO nobody needs v=spf1 op=pra or spf2.0/mfrom,pra
or spf2.0/pra,mfrom shorthands, it's only confusing.


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