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Re: [spf-discuss] libspf

2010-05-07 15:11:27

"Greg Wittmeyer" <gregw(_at_)gammadyne(_dot_)com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am new to libspf and this is my first post.  I am trying to 
compile libspf 1.2.9 for Win32 using Visual Studio 2008.  There 
are 183 errors.  The project refers to many source files that do 
not exist.  Anyone know what is going on?

This would be better discussed on spf-devel.

First, you've got libspf2, not libspf (they are different).

No one who is involved in libspf2 development uses Windows. It wouldn't 
surprise me if there was some bit rot in the Windows build system. 

Scott K

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