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[spf-discuss] Using SRS in production

2011-02-10 16:42:46

I'm posting here, 'cause srs-discuss (mentioned at: 
http://www.openspf.org/Forums) bounced while subscribing.

I'm in the need of deploying srs in production:
We're running a small site (debian, postfix as mta), that uses alias adresses 
via postfix'es virtual alias maps. Some aliases forward to external domains 
(eg. @gmail.com, @gmx.com), that perform spf checking. All virtual alias maps 
are stored in ldap (by that: if mail is received via smtp, postfix performs an 
ldap search in order to find all receivers).

In theory, srs can be implemented using a filter (for postfix) or using another 
mta as smarthost (having srs-capabilities already built in) - am I right?
Using google I found:
- http://www.libsrs2.org/patch/postfix-libsrs2-2.1.4-1.patch that seems quite 
old. Neither debian-security support is provided nor integration into postfix 
(upstream) is done yet.
- http://www.libsrs2.org/srs/Mail-SRS-0.31.tar.gz that might be used with 
postfix this way: http://www.postfix.org/FILTER_README.html - but I'ven't found 
an example config yet (however, a debian package exists)

So, what's your way of implementing srs?

Thanks in advance,
Keep smiling

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