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Re: [spf-discuss] SenderID is dead

2011-05-04 17:52:28
Everyones time would be much better served by a discussion on whether
(I am supportive) to move SPF to standards track (remember, it is
still experimental) within IETF. This could either be through  working
group or as an independent submission through openspf.

To be clear: it can't be done as an INDEPENDENT submission;
standards-track documents can ONLY go through the IETF Stream, not the
Independent Stream (nor the IAB Stream, nor the IRTF Stream...).

It could be done as an INDIVIDUAL submission, which would still
require community-wide last call (4 weeks) and IESG approval.  It
would also require a sponsoring Area Director, and, given the current
composition of the IESG, that would likely have to be Pete Resnick.
So, anyone thinking of doing this should start by talking with Pete.

(DKIM working group chair and IETF liaison to MAAWG)

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org [http://www.openspf.org]
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