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RE: Regular Expressions

2002-10-31 08:54:08
does anyone knows where or when regex's will be implemented? 
I do have some tricky problems I want to solve with xsl regex. 
I've read of regex's in the Working Draft (16.Aug this year)

I do know how to do it with Perl. But that are two steps and 
many work around.

Have you looked into AxKit (www.axkit.org)? Among other nice features, it
includes pipelined XSL transformations that let you use Perl in any stage. I
haven't used it myself (yet), but I know people that are using it to solve
problems similar to yours.

Mark Thomas                    Thomas_M(_at_)bls(_dot_)gov
Internet Systems Architect     User Technology Associates, Inc.

$_=q;KvtuyboopuifeyQQfeemyibdlfee;; y.e.s. ;y+B-x+A-w+s; ;y;y; ;;print;;

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