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RE: Filed SAXON 6.5.2 bug: 620017 (similar to 459543)

2002-10-08 14:20:32
I was not as careless since I beleived it was a genuine bug.
I understand that no matter what is the XML and XSL (should be valid)
input is, a java based XSLT processor cannot throw java exception.
SAXON 6.5.2 showed two kinds of java exception trace for my stylesheets. 

I apologize for the duplicate bug entry, I should have spent
more time digging sourceforge.net.

I posted in the list with the hope of getting help on this matter like
any known workaround etc. Looks like saxon-help(_at_)sourceforge(_dot_)net is a 
place -- next time I can do a better job.

Thanks and regards,
Soumen Sarkar.

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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