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RE: Element creation

2002-12-03 15:29:02
From: David Pratt [mailto:dave(_dot_)pratt(_at_)webcoursesnow(_dot_)com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [xsl] Element creation

Hi there. I am editing with JEdit 4.0 which I was liking 
quite well. It  
uses Xalan. Maybe I need a recommendation for an editor / processor
combination that works on Windows 2000.  Also, the missing 
close tag for
document was a typo. I simply wanted to provide two records 
so that someone
else could try. I appreciate your help, I thought I was going 
nuts so happy
to have someone tell me its ok.

FYI, I did the transformation in XML Spy 4.4 using MSXML 4.0 as the
processor.  I also got the same result using Instant Saxon 6.5.2.  Try your
transformation from a command line (outside of JEdit), or try a different
processor.  Your code works, so it's probably a configuration problem with
JEdit or a bug in your version of Xalan.


| brian martinez                              
brian(_dot_)martinez(_at_)trip(_dot_)com |
| senior gui programmer                                  303.708.7248 |
| trip network, inc.                                 fax 303.790.9350 |
| 6436 s. racine cir.                             englewood, co 80111 |
| http://www.cheaptickets.com/                   http://www.trip.com/ |

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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