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Re: Ampersand problem

2003-03-26 09:25:19
I don't know if this will work on Xalan or  other Java processors >
because I don't have access to it at this very second, but it works on 
MSXML4. This is a hideous hack, kids, don't try this at home:

<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:variable name="amper">
<xsl:template match="/">
<smil href="{$amper}">

In other words, change the output method to HTML. You shouldn't need

This is a bug -- in fact MSXML3/4 only miss escaping an ampersand if
it's the last character in the value of an (html) attribute.


      <smil href="{$amper}{$amper}"></smil>

and the result is:

      <smil href="&&"></smil>


Dimitre Novatchev.
http://fxsl.sourceforge.net/ -- the home of FXSL

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