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Re: Ampersand problem

2003-03-26 06:42:00
Not sure exactly how to implement this, but &#26 is the & (I think, this is
the ascii number anyway) just use that where you absolutely need to insert a
single & in the output.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Piers Kittel" <work(_at_)biased(_dot_)org>
To: <XSL-List(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: [xsl] Ampersand problem

Hello all

Am having slight problems with the Ampersand problem.  I do know "&"
be used, and "&amp;" should be used instead, as I read in an message dated
Jan 2001 ( http://www.biglist.com/lists/xsl-
list/archives/200101/msg01502.html ) but I've got a small problem with
Quicktime and the "&amp;" thing.

What I'm trying to do is to embed a Quicktime movie in an HTML page, and
Quicktime uses SMIL to display the video and links that comes up at
times.  The links goes to other Quicktime movies.  The links has to have
with &'s in them.  Not a serious problem in itself, IE is fine with that.
when a link is clicked in Quicktime, it loads up the new SMIL file from
server.  Which is just fine.

The thing is that I'm using XSLT to create the HTML and SMIL files to
the correct clips, and the parser I use (Xalan) outputs "&" as "&amp;" but
Quicktime tries to parse the URL, it chokes and crashes.  It *has* to have
in the URL - "&amp;" will not work.

So how do I make Xalan output a pure "&" in the SMIL file?

Thanks very much in advance for your help

Cheers - Piers

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