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RE: marked characters in html output (3rd attempt)

2003-03-13 13:51:45

Xalan lets you override their HTMLEntities.res file, which maps characters
to named character entities.  You do this by using xalan:entities="<your
file name>" in the xsl:output element.  See this link for details:

http://cocoon.it.jyu.fi/docs/xalan/readme.html#to-do  Search for
'HTMLEntities.res' on the page.

I suppose you could create a blank file, insert it into xalan.jar, and
point to it with that attribute.  Or possibly you could just set
xalan:entities="" and see what happens.

Mark Fletcher
PeopleSoft Language Engineering

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list