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Re: tokenize()

2003-04-16 05:45:06
Hi Simon,

Does anyone know if tokenize() has made it into the new xsl? I could
really do with it at the mo :-)

Yes. XPath 2.0 has a tokenize() function with the signature:

  tokenize(string, pattern, flags?)

where string is the string to tokenize, pattern is a regular
expression that describes the delimiters used in the string and the
optional argument flags controls whether the regular expression is
applied in multiline and/or case-insensitive mode.

For example, to split up the string "2003-04-16T13:42:00" into the
sequence ("2003", "04", "16", "13", "42", "00"), you can use:

  tokenize('2003-04-16T13:42:00', '[-:T]')

and to tokenize a string on whitespace, the second argument should be



Jeni Tennison

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