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RE: href problem...using CDATA needed?

2003-06-16 07:56:26
[Kathy Burke]

I've gotten lots of valuable insights from Tom. I just wanted 
to make sure I
wasn't doing something wrong.


My apologies if anyone thought I was asking non-xslt 
questions. The {(_at_)url}
did turn out to be fine...for some reason when I went back 
and did a simple

<a target="_blank href="{(_at_)url}"> it worked fine!

guess I'll have to stick with tried and true...just wondering "why" as

Thanks again to everyone, subject closed.

Not quite :-).  I had trouble knowing how to give you suggestions,
because I could not tell whether

1) Your code produced the expected html but the anchor did not behave as
expected, or
2) Your code did not produce the expected html, or
3) Your code caused the xslt processor to announce an error, or
4) The expected html was produced, the anchor worked, but the javascript
function did not work as expected.

You only said that it "didn't work".  We, the list,  had to _guess_ what
was going on.  I noticed a typo, which I reported to you, but of course
I could not know if that typo had been in the code you actually tried to

Please try to be clear and precise (yet concise!) so that the rest of us
can think about it without guessing.  That is not easy to pull off, but
it is worth while!


Tom P

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list