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Re: [XSLT 2] base-uri of input's dir

2003-06-15 14:00:13
Michael Kay wrote:

> Could you start by stating the problem, not stating a solution that
> appears to work?

The solution I had was the problem (it wasn't as terse as it should be), although it worked (the problem was not getting it to work, but making it terse).

> I can't see why you have to fiddle about with the base URI of the
> current document before using it as an argument to resolve-uri().

I got the absolute file path of the input file plus the relative path to the referenced file. But that must have been when I used concat().

<xsl:template match="textdata[(_at_)fileref]">
  <xsl:variable name="file_abs"
  <xsl:copy-of select="unparsed-text($file_abs,'utf-8')"/>


Sorry for the confusion.



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