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RE: how to set the bgcolor of a table cell to the value of an XML attribute

2003-07-18 05:29:08
From: Ali Zain Banatwala [mailto:azb33(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com]
To: XSL-List(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] how to set the bgcolor of a table cell to the 
value of an
XML attribute

  each stock has it's own row and each cell represents
a trading day. i'm trying to set the bgcolor of each
cell to the color(in hex) for that particular node. my

   <Equity name="CP">
     <EquityNode date="2000-01-03" close="9.6">
       <Color hex="246f15">
     <EquityNode date="2000-01-04" close="9.7">
       <Color hex="227017">
     <EquityNode date="2000-01-05" close="9.9">
       <Color hex="1f731a">

  and here's my XSLT file....

  <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:for-each select="//Equity">


<td bgcolor="#{EquiteNode/Color/@hex}">

though should do the trick

gl, jim fuller

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