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RE: how to close html tags : link, meta,...

2003-08-13 08:14:11

Sorry to go on but...

<div> *is not* declared as empty, so it must be <div></div>

<img> *is* declared as empty, therefore it can be <img/> or

That is my reading of the spec, please someone tell me if I am

In which case I'd say the spec needs to be fixed.

Either div has required content, in which case both "<div/>" and
"<div></div>" would be non-valid.

If content is not required (which is the case), both notations MUST be
allowes, otherwise XHTML would not conform to the XML spec.

There's a difference.  One is well-formed xml, the other is valid xhtml.

<div/> is well formed xml, but not valid xhtml.

<div></div> is both well-formed xml, and valid xhtml.

One involves a dtd the other doesn't.  There's nothing wrong with the
spec, its just when people see well-formed html they think its xhtml,
which it isnt.

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