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Re: Critique/comments sought: XML/XSLT website documentatio n project

2003-09-19 02:47:35
Hi Joern,

Joern Clausen wrote:
On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 11:07:39AM +0300, Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) wrote:

You mean there are hooks to use graphviz from XSLT? Any examples out there? Sorry if I got this all wrong...

Why? Use output method "text" and generate a dot file.

Of course...

I, for example, maintain a list of installed Perl modules and their
dependencies as an XML file and generate a dependency graph using XSLT
and graphviz. The "hook", if you need one, is "make" ;)

Or Ant for that matter... sheesh, that's what I get for imagining a complicated solution when a simple one is avalable... thanks for making this clearer :-)

Manos Batsis

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mbatsis at netsmart dot gr
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