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RE: Critique/comments sought: XML/XSLT website documentation project

2003-09-18 06:50:08

--- Dan Sumption <dan(_at_)bradonpace(_dot_)com> wrote:


Has the docbook website stylesheets,
which do as Jim suggested, one xml file per web
with a collating pass to link them all.

Thanks for the pointer.

From what I've seen of this and the other examples,
they all seem
oriented around data at the webpage level. What I'm
trying to do is far
more at the website level (admittedly the two are
the same thing, just
seen from different perspectives). In particular,
I've not seen any
examples that produce wireframe sitemaps similar to
the one at
http://www.pernoctator.com/XML/whitegoods.svg which
for me was the most
important (certainly the hardest!) part of what I'm
trying to make.


You need to have a vector application capable of
saving to SVG, there are few. If you have Visio, then
you can convert VSD files to W3C SVG format using an
external util like http://vdxtosvg.sourceforge.net/

The viewer is from Adobe but take a look around at
before you just jump into it.


Sean Wheller

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