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RE: Empty Elements in .NET

2004-02-06 06:56:51
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 14:47, Andrew Welch wrote:
Regardless of the form of schema I use .NET creates
<ERROR a='data' ...></ERROR>

Rather than the expected form of
<ERROR a='data' .../>

The problem is compounded when <xsl:output indent='yes' /> is 
used.  In the first form the indentation whitespace makes the 
instance document invalid against either form of schema.  If 
the second form were generated the indentation would not be an issue.

Really?  So a schema can tell the difference between 

Is that really the case?

It ought to be, of course, but I don't think that's the 
point. The OP seems to be saying that the validator is 
objecting to the first form being indented, but not to 
the second form being indented. 

If that is so then I would guess the software is broken. 
Indentation can only affect the context of the content 
model of the *enclosing* element: once an element is
closed by its end-tag (NET or otherwise), basta, finito.

In any case, I don't see any indentation in the example

More likely is that the element is declared as EMPTY,
which ought to mean what it says: no chance *ever* of
any content, because the special form of the start-tag
precludes it. Unfortunately this simple message failed 
to go home, and <foo></foo> is taken to be the same as

Those who remember what Schemas derived from may find it
ironic that it is Microsoft who may be breaking the data 
model here.


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