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RE: need help with XSL statement (location path parenthesis problem)

2004-03-29 06:29:05

In the following XML document, I need to be able to query the 

1)  The number of reports which are coded with either an "a" or "b"
where the last code (in document order) which is either an 
"a" or "b" is
an "a".

*correct number is 3 *

  count(reportlist/report[code[(_at_)type = 'a' or @type = 'b'][last()]/@type = 

2)  The number of reports which are coded with either an "a" or "b"
where the last code (in document order) which is either an 
"a" or "b" is
a "b".

*correct number is 1*

  count(reportlist/report[code[(_at_)type = 'a' or @type = 'b'][last()]/@type = 

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