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RE: xsl:key use attribute using string() causes missing all matches except the first one

2004-03-24 09:56:20
When you apply string() to a node-set containing more than one node it
returns the string value of the first node in the node-set.

Michael Kay 

# -----Original Message-----
# From: Xiaocun Xu [mailto:xiaocunxu(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com] 
# Sent: 24 March 2004 16:42
# To: xsl-list
# Subject: [xsl] xsl:key use attribute using string() causes 
# missing all matches except the first one
# Hi,
# I recently had an interesting discovery with xsl:key use 
# attribute using string().
# I been using string() in xsl:key use attribute extensively 
# since it allows me to retrieve records using the key value 
# "".  But in the following example, using string() caused me 
# to miss all matches except the first one.  I am not sure what 
# is the reason for this, would appreciate if anyone could shed 
# light on this behavior.  Example input XML and XSLT below.
# thanks,
# Xiaocun
# input XML:
# <range>
#       <row row="16">
#               <cell column="1">supplier</cell>
#               <cell column="2">s3</cell>
#               <cell column="3">item</cell>
#               <cell column="4">
#                       <subcell>item1</subcell>
#                       <subcell>item2</subcell>
#                       <subcell>item3</subcell>
#               </cell>
#               <cell column="5">s3_AM1</cell>
#               <cell column="6">accepted</cell>
#       </row>
#       <row row="17">
#               <cell column="1">supplier</cell>
#               <cell column="2">s4</cell>
#               <cell column="3">item</cell>
#               <cell column="4">
#                       <subcell>item1</subcell>
#                       <subcell>item2</subcell>
#                       <subcell>item4</subcell>
#               </cell>
#               <cell column="5">s4_AM1</cell>
#               <cell column="6">accepted</cell>
#       </row>
#       <row row="18">
#               <cell column="1">supplier</cell>
#               <cell column="2">s5</cell>
#               <cell column="3">item</cell>
#               <cell column="4">item1</cell>
#               <cell column="5">s5_AM1</cell>
#               <cell column="6">accepted</cell>
#       </row>
# </range>
# complete XSLT without using string():
# <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
# xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
# xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";>
# <xsl:key name="itemInvitesKey"
# match="//row[cell[(_at_)column=3] = 'item']"
# use="cell[(_at_)column=4]"/>
# <xsl:key name="itemInvitesKey"
# match="//row[cell[(_at_)column=3] = 'item']"
# use="(cell[(_at_)column=4]/subcell)"/>
# <xsl:template match="/">
#       <xsl:apply-templates select="range"/>
# </xsl:template>
# <xsl:template match="range">
#       <xsl:text>item1&#xA;</xsl:text>
#       <xsl:for-each select="key('itemInvitesKey', 'item1')">
#               <xsl:value-of select="cell[(_at_)column=2]"/>
#               <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>
#       </xsl:for-each>
#       <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>
#       <xsl:text>item2&#xA;</xsl:text>
#       <xsl:for-each select="key('itemInvitesKey', 'item2')">
#               <xsl:value-of select="cell[(_at_)column=2]"/>
#               <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>
#       </xsl:for-each>
# </xsl:template>
# </xsl:stylesheet>
# correct output:
# item1
# s5
# s3
# s4
# item2
# s3
# s4
# Exact same XSLT as above, except xsl:key use attribute using string():
# <xsl:key name="itemInvitesKey"
# match="//row[cell[(_at_)column=3] = 'item']"
# use="string(cell[(_at_)column=4]/subcell)"/>
# Output: same as above, except no matches were returned except 
# for the first key (item1)
# item1
# s5
# s3
# s4
# item2
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