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XSLT and unexpected text ouput?

2004-04-28 09:51:56
I have seen this only a couple times, and without giving away our future
product can't send XML and XSLT to demonstrate it.  But I'm hoping I can
describe the general behavior and one of you will have seen this kind of
thing before.

I am converting XML to HTML.  A chunk of XML content in one branch of
the XML tree is rendered as I want it to without a problem. But at the
bottom of the HTML file - in fact after my closing </HTML> - the text
content of a series of leaf nodes in an entirely different branch of the
XML are streamed onto the end of the file.  I have checked carefully and
tried tweaking data, I have stepped through this in XSelerator - there
is no XSLT match or code which is causing this to happen.

I tried switching the order of the XML branches, so that the one I want
to render is below the other in the file.  Now the leaf content from the
unwanted branch is streamed ABOVE the HTML that I want - so the behavior
IS dependent on the order in the XML.

I am using MSXML for the transform.  Have any of you seen this before?
A workaround would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Schwartz

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