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will processors support XHTML?

2004-04-28 09:57:22

I was wondering if the processor developers have any plans to support xsl:output/@method="xhtml" for xsl version 1.0? I see it for XSL v2, so perhaps there is no need, but I am feeling that many will stick with v1 for a while.

When people start switching over (to XHTML) there are going to be many frustrated users who have a page outputted with:

<script src="js.js"/>

This will cause the page to not display (even though the xhtml is there) -- they need end elements.



which will cause the rest of the page below the textarea to be placed inside of it.

Have people found other problems?

For a potential faq, here are some workarounds:

<script src="js.js">//</script>

<xsl:template match="xhtml:title | xhtml:textarea">
  <xsl:if test="not(boolean(text()))">
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>

I wonder how many people have tried to output XHTML only to be frustrated and go back to HTML.
