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Re: tomcat web server and dynamic XSL

2004-04-27 02:40:31
URLs for XML and XSL samples? Help us help you ;-)

Nikolas Nehmer wrote:


i want to use XSL Transformed XML documents with a tomcat webserver.
Every XML file is linked with a include hierarchy of XSL stylesheets. On
my local computer in my local folders this works fine. The browser
transforms the XML file by the rules defined in the XSL hierarchy. On
the webserver this doesn't seem to work. The browser has access to the
xml file but it does not seem to get the whole hierarchy of xsl files.
Is this a general problem or just a problem with my web server
configuration? If I point directly to the XSL file the browser also gets
access to it but not when it is defined in the xml stylesheet tag.

Best regards,

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Manos Batsis

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