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xsl:apply-imports design pattern using a single stylesheet

2004-04-26 14:21:01

this question is in close relation to


of David Pawson's XSLT FAQ.

I have the problem to surround (almost) any element of a DTD (here:
DocBook) by an additional element based on one of its attributes. Example:

<phrase revisionflag="added">...</phrase>

should become



<para revisionflag="deleted">...</para>

should become


What I want is to have a mechanism like this pseudo-code:

<xsl:template match="*[(_at_)revisionflag]">
    if( revisionflag = "deleted" ) {

            <xsl:apply-templates select=".", choosing among all 
             defined templates except the one we're currently in />

    } else if ( revisionflag == "inserted" ) {

            <xsl:apply-templates select=".", choosing among all 
             defined templates except the one we're currently in />

    } else {

        <xsl:apply-templates select=".", choosing among all 
         defined templates except the one we're currently in />


, so that I have to code the wrapping of the element only at one place.
According to the FAQ mentioned above, this can be achieved by using two
stylesheets, where the main one contains my pseudo-coded template using
<xsl:apply-imports /> instead of my described pseudo-<xsl:apply-
templates> functionality, and the second, imported one contains the
normal, element-specific templates.

Is there a design pattern that lets me code this functionality in one
single stylesheet?

Regards, Christian.