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Re: problem with d-o-e in attribute

2004-04-24 07:27:11
Philippe Drix wrote:


I am working on XSL Transformations to generate XML OpenOffice.org files, namely content.xml and styles.xml.
I am puzzled by a bug I cant work around by pure XSLT code.

Here the problem :

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; version="1.0">

<xsl:template match="/">

Don't understand why you need it, but

<xsl:attribute name="bar">&amp;apos;bar&amp;apos;</xsl:attribute>

why not just

<foo bar="'bar'"/>


<foo bar="'{$bar}'"/>


No, I must find a mean to obtain :

<foo bar="&apos;bar&apos;"/>

beacause in OpenOffice styles.xml file, I have such an attribute, and it must be given as shown above, otherwise OpenOffice crashes when it tries to load the document.
I dont know why, but it is a fact.

So my problem is : given an XML file where there is an element <foo bar="&apos;bar&apos;"/>, written like this, how to write an XSL Transformation to copy the original XML file with some transformations, except for the element <foo bar="&apos;bar&apos;"/> which must remain as it is.

Regards -- Ph D

Philippe Drix - Objectiva

Consultant Nouvelles Technologies

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