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RE: transformation question

2004-04-14 09:24:41
Hi Vel.,

If you can, please send me a sample ASP with the declaration you
It would help me to change many of my xslt stylesheets.

Of course, here it is, but it is written using J(ava)Script (note that I've
left out the date function calls like getHora() and getFecha()):

<%@ Language="JScript" %>

<!--#include file="Script/LibJscript.js"-->

// create the ServerXMLHTTP object for getting the XML data 
// using SQL Query Templates (SQLXML 3.0)
var srcDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0");

var strMethod = "GET";
var strAsync = "False";
var strUserId = "sa";
var strPassword = "password";
var IdCd = "";

var Hora = "";
var Fecha = "";
var Fecha1 = "";
var Fecha2 = "";
var Fecha3 = "";
var Fecha4 = "";

IdCd = new String(Request.QueryString("IdCd"));
Hora = getHora();
Fecha = getFecha();
Fecha1 = getFecha1();
Fecha2 = getFecha2();
Fecha3 = getFecha3();
Fecha4 = getFecha4();

var strURL = "http://localhost/dbClimaX/templates/climax.xml?IdCd="; +
// get the XML running the SQL query template
srcDoc = GetXML(strMethod,strURL,strAsync,strUserId,strPassword);

// then, load the XSL Stylesheet and get it compiled
// by using the Application Object created in Global.asa
var xslProc = getProcessorApp("ClimaX_elnortePortada");

// finally, transform the XML source and display it


// Get XML from SQL 2K using a template query
function GetXML(strMethod,strURL,strAsync,strUserId,strPassword) 
    // initialize an http request and pass the URL and credentials
    // send the http request (get the page)
    // return the result as an object
    return srcDoc.responseXML;
  catch (e)
    Response.Write("Error: " + e.description);

// creates a processor instance at page level using the XSLTemplate object
// by using the Application variable created in Global.asa
function getProcessorApp(XslStylesheetName) 
  xslProcessor = Application(XslStylesheetName).createProcessor();
  return xslProcessor;

// transforms the XML using the compiled XSL Stylesheet
// in this case, the response object is used to output the result tree
  // point to the compiled processor
  xslProc.input = srcDoc;
  // add the parameters used inside the stylesheet
  xslProc.addParameter("Hora", Hora, "");
  xslProc.addParameter("Fecha", Fecha, "");
  xslProc.addParameter("Fecha1", Fecha1, "");
  xslProc.addParameter("Fecha2", Fecha2, "");
  xslProc.addParameter("Fecha3", Fecha3, "");
  xslProc.addParameter("Fecha4", Fecha4, "");
  xslProc.addParameter("IdCd", IdCd.toString(), "");
  // perform the XSL Transformation
  // write result to browser
  return true;

Finally, Global.asa is also mentioned - below is the important part (it
creates a global compiled stylesheet thereby eliminating the need for
parsing and compiling the stylesheet; creating the processor happens at page
level since it is not possible to do that at Application level due to the
threading model). You may need to transfer this part to page level if your
stylesheet changes frequently.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" RUNAT="Server">
function Application_OnStart() {
        Creates a processor using the XSLTemplate object,
        i.e., loads the XSL Stylesheet, compiles it, and returns it in a
processor object;
        checks if the XSL Processor was already created; 
        if not, it gets created in an application variable
        which is then accessible to any user of the application
        and thus scalable
  if ("" + Application("ClimaX_elnortePortada") == "undefined") {
                var xslDoc =
    Application("ClimaX_elnortePortada") =
    xslDoc.async = false;
    // compile the stylesheet
    Application("ClimaX_elnortePortada").stylesheet = xslDoc;

Cheers, Pieter

Contributor on www.ASPToday.com
Co-author on "Professional ASP.NET XML with C#", July 2002 by Wrox Press

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