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RE: XHTML to XHTML transform

2004-04-02 12:48:36
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Moss [mailto:jeff(_at_)opendbms(_dot_)com]

<snip />
So now what I did was I added xsl:apply-templates to the middle
of the link
template, and I added a default template for all other nodes, I knew I was
on the right track so thanks for the help.

But what I really wanted was that all elements in the XHTML
namespace would
be outputted to the results, and all of my extra XML tags like "name" for
instance, wouldn't be copied. Is this what the XHTML namespace is for?


Well, there are a number of possible approaches:

- keep the general matching template as is, and add an empty template in
which you specify which nodes are to be left alone:

<xsl:template match="name | id | short-description | ..." />

(I think this is your best shot if all of the source XML is in the same (no)
namespace, so the elements that are not to be processed have to be specified
on an individual basis to be able to distinguish them from those you do want

- make sure the elements you *do* want templates to be applied to are
already in the XHTML namespace in the source XML, and make the general copy
template match pattern :

<xsl:template match="*[namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml']">

Hope this helps!



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