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RE: xsl:param -- passing multiple values

2004-06-17 22:36:26

Actually I solved my own problem by using the id() function. I setup my
xml file with a DTD up to for the product model number as the id:

<!DOCTYPE category [
<!ELEMENT product (category)>
<!ATTLIST product

Then I pass the id values from the form  onto the xsl processor with the
xml and xsl file the id values get put into a xsl:parm and then I put
that parameter into a for-each statement, so the part that outputs the
data looks like this.

<xsl:for-each select="id($myparam)/property[position() = $row-no]">
     <td class="r{position() mod 2}">

...so only the data for the model numbers passed to the xsl will be
displayed. I am amazed that it actually works myself, I was pretty much
trying everything including some voodoo chants and tried this out just
for kicks and what do you know.  The xsl is probably a bit sloppy and
probably goes against the purpose of xsl, but since I can't seem to find
a better solution using XSLT 1.0 this should do for now. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kay [mailto:mhk(_at_)mhk(_dot_)me(_dot_)uk] 
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:18 PM
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: RE: [xsl] xsl:param -- passing multiple values

Unfortunatly the processor I am using (or I should say my 
company uses)  is Oracle which it looks like only supports 
XSLT 1.0. If this is possible with XSLT 1.0 can someone point 
me towards some samples if there are any...I am pretty new to 
XSLT, I love it so far, but the learning curve is pretty 
tough. If I can get this sucker to work, I think I can get my 
work to let me use it on more projects. 

Such things are possible but painful with XSLT 1.0. I know that many
still have to work with XSLT 1.0 (I have to myself on consultancy
assignments) but I no longer do it for pleasure!

Michael Kay

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