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RE: including string of value in xpath-path

2004-06-15 10:51:16
From: ma(_dot_)siebeneicher(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de 

i have some problems with an xpath expression. my target is 
to generate a xpath string including a value from a varible 
or parameter, evaluate(xpath) and getting some content from 
node. maybe it will clear after my xsl and xml snippets..

this is my xsl snippet which should combine the element 
sitemap and the variable $sitemap-collection-path with the 
title element by using the
concat() function.

  <xsl:parameter name="sitemap-collection-path" select="galley"/>

In addition to Josh Canfield's suggestion, your parameter assignment
above does not select what you seem to want.  It selects all nodes
having the path "galley".  To get the string value "galley", you would

<xsl:parameter name="sitemap-collection-path" select="'galley'"/>


Tom P

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